weekly roundup

Welcome back to the weekly roundup! As we enter week 4987529 of social distancing, we are still trying to find ways to keep ourselves busy and without going crazy. I have been staying busy cooking, working on some new content to release here this month and doing a bit of shopping.

Weekly Roundup

Good news is that we finally reached the month of April. And that means a new book for book club! Read about the the book club HERE!

And with that new month, comes fresh new music! Check them out here: New Music

I came across the article about a college student who makes masks for the deaf and hard of hearing. It is a heartwarming story. Check it all out here: College student makes masks for the deaf & hard of hearing

I already shared my top Netflix TV Shows (check it out here)and My Favorite Hulu Shows & Movies. And I think I am going to work on putting together my favorites on Disney+ soon. I will keep you posted!

Since we are talking about watching tv, do yourself a favor and watch Tiger King on Netflix. It is completely bonkers! With just 7 episodes in this min-documentary series, it dives into the life of zoo owner /. tiger breeder Joe Exotic and those in his circle.

Has anyone else been experimenting in the kitchen during this whole quarantine? I have been working on some new recipes and trying out some of the old stuff. This chocolate cookie recipe is one of my favorites. And they are gluten free! Get the whole recipe here: Flourless Chocolate Cookies

One of my favorite brands is having a big sale right now. American Eagle & Aerie are having a big sale on bathing suits & 40-60% off the Aerie collection. My favorite sweatsuit outfit is from there and is coming in handing this month.

And to end this week on a good note, if you haven’t seen it already… John Krasinski, best known for playing Jim Halpert on NBC’s The Office, is back behind a desk and talking into a camera. He released a new video on YouTube called “Some Good News” where he talks about all the good news happening right now. And he brings in a special guest star. You are definitely going to want to watch it. Some Good News with John Krasinski

And don’t forget to check out my weekly roundup in fashion below! I have added some really cute things to add to your wardrobe this spring/summer!

Weekly Roundup in Fashion:

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Thank you for following along! I hope that this weekly roundup has helped you with whatever you might have needed!

xo, Kerri