Top 5 Meditation Apps

Do you use meditation apps? Meditation has been a big part of my life for years now. I used to meditate in college to help prepare for exams or golf tournaments. I continued my meditation journey after college and during cancer treatment. And I still use meditation now to calm anxiety, relax and  with my Reiki certification.

There are many different ways to approach meditation and one way is with meditation apps.

  1. Headspace: Meditation & Sleep
  2. Calm
  3. Simple Habit: Sleep Meditation
  4. Insight Time – Meditation App
  5. Oak – Meditation & Breathing

There are so many more available but these are just my top 5. I use Headspace and Calm the most if I am using an app. I really like what both of those apps offer and I have seen great results. One of the best tips I go before starting to use them is to make sure that you have end goal or a process you want to stick to. Make a calendar, a check list or a guide to help you stay on path.

Let me know if you have any favorites that I left out in the comments! Or if you had any success with these apps!

For more tips like this one, check out my Lifestyle Page here! Or you can head over to Pinterest and see all my pins related to this topic!

xo, Kerri


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