Style Assessment – Teen Sisters

I was able to work with two of my favorite girls for this months style assessment. grace and ella are both entering big stages in their life and wanted to be prepared in the style department for whatever they might encounter. grace is heading off to college for her freshman year and wanted to bring along a capsule wardrobe but still include plenty of trendy items. ella is heading back to high school but is now an upper classman so we wanted to make sure that she was

check out both mood boards and the links below…

Style Assessment – GRACE

for this mood board, we wanted to keep things classic and simple with a bit of trendy. these colors are based off of what looks best on grace and the colors that she tends to gravitate toward. these inspo outfits are also great transition outfits for the southern seasons. going from summer to fall and fall to winter in the south can be accomplished with just one item of clothing!

style assessment mood boards

(all the images above are from pinterest so check it out for more inspo and the links)

Style Assessment – ELLA

with ella’s mood boards, we wanted to really dive into that gen-z style but add some classic styles to it as well. we also really wanted to take comfort into consideration for those long hours in class but still need to abide by the school dress code.

style assessment mood boards

(all the images above are from pinterest so check it out for more inspoand the links)

I hope that these style assessments gave you a bit of inspiration for your next shopping trip! if you have any questions or need help with any of the links, leave a comment or send me an email! For more tips like this one, check out my Q&A or style section. You can always check out my pinterest for inspiration and the mood boards for these style assessments.

xo, Kerri

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