top 25 holiday movies

I am the person that starts celebrating Christmas the day after halloween and this year was no different. it is my favorite time of year so I usually go all out with the decorations, presents, and spreading holiday cheer.

one of my favorite things to do is watch holiday or Christmas movies! I just love curling up into bed or on the couch and relaxing with a nice, comforting movie. holiday movies just really make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside and it is the best feeling.

so check out my favorite holiday movies here…

holiday movies

top 25 holiday movies

  1. elf *
  2. it’s a wonderful life (1946)
  3. love actually *
  4. the holiday *
  5. miracle of 34th street (1947)
  6. a christmas prince, the royal wedding & the royal baby
  7. the grinch
  8. how the grinch stole christmas
  9. the christmas chronicles & the christmas chronicles 2
  10. the princess switch
  11. the knight before christmas
  12. holidate
  13. the polar express *
  14. christmas with a view
  15. white christmas (1954)
  16. the santa clause
  17. a christmas carol
  18. a christmas story
  19. home alone
  20. national lampoon’s christmas vacation
  21. scrooge
  22. frosty the snowman
  23. rudolph the red nose reindeer
  24. mickey’s christmas carol *
  25. a charlie brown christmas (1965)

* these are my top 5 favorites. I literally watch them every year and I will never stop watching them!

so there they are! my favorite holiday movies! i hope that you find something you were looking for. there is a big mix of older & newer movies so you have plenty of options! if you have any shows that I missed or forgot, leave a comment and let me know! for more posts like this one, check out more posts here. Or check out my pinterest!

xo, kerri