3 health tips for the holiday season

december is usually known for an abundance of eating and a lack of exercise. just because it is the holiday season, doesn’t give us an excuse to give up on our health and well-being. celebrating doesn’t have to include in eating & drinking a lot. it is a time to bring back the focus on enjoying your family & friends & then traditions of the holidays.

3 Health Tips for the Holiday Season | Lifestyle with Kerri Dice

this time of year also doesn’t have to be a time to lose weight or focus on losing weight, but you don’t want to get behind on your health either. here are 3 health tips for the holiday season to help you stay ahead for the new year that are easy to implement today!

#1 get adequate sleep

you are going to get plenty of opportunities to stay up late, catch up with family, stay out late or meet old friends at the bar. but it is very important for you to make sure you still get enough sleep. i always try to get about 7-8 hours a night in order to stay fresh but you may be different. do what is best for YOU!

#2 stay hydrated

one of the best tips i can give anyone during this time would be to stay hydrated this holiday season. keep your water bottle with you at all times and try to drink half your body weight in ounces of quality water each day. i always try to drink AT LEAST 50-64 ounces a day no matter what. and i drink even more if i will be drinking alcohol.

here are some of my favorite water bottles:

#3 be active

this is one of the hardest things for me to do during the holiday season. your schedule gets crazy and you are traveling all over the place to visit family. but you want to make sure you stick to your schedule. Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. it’s ok if you miss a couple days, but make sure that you get some activity in at least 3-4 days per week. even if it is something like a 15 minute yoga session or an hour meditating, think about your well being this holiday season.


ultimately, this is supposed to help you if you want the help. you know yourself better than anyone so listen to your body. feel free to either click on the images above or use the affiliate links to shop. i hope that these health tips help you get the holiday season. for more health tips like this, check out my lifestyle page or head on over to pinterest!

xo, kerri





